I knew that a baby sling would be a very practical help with a newborn, but finding out that I could use it even during my pregnancy was a great and pleasant surprise.
While expecting my little one, I was surfing the net one day when I bumped into a French website about “natural” parenthood (parentalitènaturelle.fr). Among many things, I watched this tutorial video on how to tie a baby sling as “pregnancy tie” with a stretch baby sling.
Just out of curiosity, I took my stretch sling and I tried it on: great! What a shame not to find this out before! I felt “contained” and well “held” by the jersey of the sling. My bump (at the time quite big, as I was 38 weeks pregnant) was well sustained and my back relieved. My back … finally!!!
Luckily I didn’t suffer to much from low back pain, but many moms to be do as it is quite normal during pregnancy. Week by week, the growth of your bump will lead to a change of posture of you body and to a relaxation o your abdominal muscles. Answers to this discomfort are easy: improve your posture, exercise regulrly, wear comfortable shoes (www.babycentre.co.uk)
Instead of buying a body belt or a belly band or a girdle, which can be expensive, using a baby sling can be a useful, low cost alternative, which will become handy when your baby arrives.
wow! This looks great! If I just knew it when I needed it! My baby was born in July and since I was 8 weeks pregnant I have been suffering from backache and I had to use a body belt. When Melanie was born, a friend gave me a stretch sling, which Melanie loves! I will keep it and use it for baby number 2
ReplyDeleteI thought the same: If I just knew it when I needed it! I benefited from it just the last two weeks of my pregnancy, thanks to Annamaria from Bottega Bubamara. I have kept if for my next one tho ;-)
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ReplyDeleteI also had to use a body belt, which I paid a lot of money and I felt like I was wearing a “plaster cast”. I didn’t really feel “sustained” and I hated it!!!
ReplyDeletewhat a fantastic idea!!! I have a pouch sling; can I use it as you do with the stretch one?